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"Have your say" Modern Foreign Languages competition success for WHSB

On Tuesday 4 March, twenty-four keen linguists from WHSB, across Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, took part in the preliminary round of the Association for Language Learning’s "Have Your Say" Competition, which took place at Westcliff High School for Girls.

Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 learn a dialogue in French, German or Spanish and then write the last four lines themselves. This is then memorised and performed before judges and fellow contestants. Pupils in Year 10 must write the entire 14-line dialogue themselves, incorporating a set list of words in their script, memorise it and perform it before judges and other Year 10 pupils.

We are delighted that all 24 of our pupils have succeeded in going through to the Regional Final, to be held in May at Thomas Lord Audley School in Colchester. We are enormously proud of the pupils and their splendid achievement, and we wish them every success in May.

With thanks to Ms McKeown, Ms Niedziela, Mr Chanut and Miss Bernárdez Touceda for preparing our students and facilitating the School's entry into the competition.