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Year 7 Entrants

Welcome from the Headmaster

Dear Parent,

I am delighted to welcome you and your son to our new Year 7 parents’ section of the School’s website and we are looking forward to your son joining Wescliff High School for Boys in September 2025. From this page you will be able to access a range of School documentation which we hope will assist you.

This is a most important point of transition in your son’s life and we wish to work closely with you to ensure that the process runs smoothly. Your son is about to embark on an exciting educational journey, which will offer him an array of new opportunities and challenges which will help to prepare him for the adult world. Whilst this will require his dedication, we feel sure he will experience a great deal of enjoyment along the way.

Beyond preparation for Higher Education and employment, your son’s time at WHSB will also encompass his development as a responsible and well-rounded individual. We place great emphasis on encouraging our pupils to give of their very best and to unlock their potential through a wide range of extra-curricular, as well as academic opportunities. We strongly encourage our pupils to immerse themselves fully in the life of our School community.

In order to facilitate pupils’ transition to WHSB, we have organised the use of our School grounds during the break and lunchtimes to provide a dedicated playground for our Year 7 pupils to the East side of the School. This arrangement is proving most successful and we are sure it will make for a smoother transition for your son next September.

We hope you will find this section of our website helpful, however please do not hesitate to contact Miss Fairfax, Deputy Head, if you have any questions regarding the documents or require any further advice.

I look forward to meeting you and your son and welcoming you into the WHSB community.

M A Skelly


Welcome from Mr Baggs


You have made it to Westcliff High School for Boys and you should be very proud of this considerable achievement! We are pleased that you have chosen our school for your education and are confident that, between us, we can ensure that you have a very happy and successful time at School.


You are likely to be both excited and a little nervous about this next stage in your life. These feelings are entirely understandable as you are probably coming from a smaller school, perhaps with none of your friends coming with you, and you just don’t know what to expect. Please be assured that the boys who will be joining you to form Year 7 will be in the same situation as you and share your feelings. Here at Westcliff High School for Boys, we will make sure you feel part of our community very quickly. The staff and pupils at this school are very welcoming and supportive and are always happy to give advice to those in difficulty.

As you know, Westcliff High School for Boys takes great pride in its history and traditions – now you are part of that. You are about to enter a new and exciting phase in your education and we know that you will be keen to seize the opportunities that will become available to you. We want you to enjoy learning, we want you to make good progress, we want you to participate in the wider school community. We know that by taking full advantage of this opportunity, you will develop in confidence and become a responsible and productive citizen who will go on to make a positive contribution to school life and to society.

We look forward to meeting you at the Year 7 Induction Day in July - and remember to keep working hard at your Junior School until the end of this academic year as this will form good habits for your start here in September.

In the meantime, check out the videos found on our Virtual Tour to find out more information about your subjects, teachers and student life at WHSB.

Yours sincerely

Mr A Baggs
Director of Lower School