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The School have traditionally conducted an Enrichment Day for new Year 7 pupils at an Activity Centre in September. This year the activity will take place on Friday 20 September 2024. Whilst the purpose of the trip is for pupils to have an enjoyable day abseiling and rope climbing, it will also represent, more importantly, an opportunity for pupils to become better acquainted with fellow pupils in their Houses.

Pupils will be involved in a number of exciting activities on the day and will, of course, need to dress comfortably and appropriately for these activities (spare clothing and a towel is recommended).  One problem is that in September the weather can be unpredictable and so we suggest that, if it is cool on the day, pupils wear several thin layers rather than one heavy sweatshirt and, if it is warm and sunny, we suggest they wear a cap and bring sun cream with them.  If your son suffers from asthma he must be responsible for the care of his own inhaler but other medication should be handed to the member of staff responsible for his group. A healthy packed lunch will also be required.  The cost of the day is anticipated to be around £40 per pupil (although financial assistance can be provided for those eligible for Pupil Premium support).