30 Club welcomes new members

Congratulations to Josef, Benjamin, Nicholas, Sam, Peter, Michael, and Edith, who have received the Award of 30 Club Membership for their sustained and exceptional service in fields from Music to Drama, to School Clubs, and a great deal of Community Service. All are worthy members of the 30 Club.
The 30 Club was created to balance the award of sporting Colours with an additional Colours system intended to reward non-sporting representation and contribution to the life of the School. The membership of the 30 Club never exceeds thirty students (Year 10 to Upper Sixth), and the members receive a 30 Club tie to wear in recognition of their outstanding contribution to School life. Entry to the 30 Club is by self-nomination usually, and at the Headmaster’s discretion, which he also exercises with the benefit of advice from members of staff.
There will be a further round of applications for the 30 Club next academic year, and we encourage pupils in Year 10 and above to apply. We also encourage pupils in Years 7 and 8 to begin thinking about how their current and future contributions to School life might make them eligible to apply to receive this prestigious Award.