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61 Gold Certificates for Intermediate Mathematical Challenge WHSB pupils

The Intermediate Mathematical Challenge this year was taken by 197 WHSB pupils from across Years 9, 10 and 11. This is a challenging paper designed to test pupils’ problem-solving skills beyond the curriculum.

Gold Certificates represent the top 1/6 of pupils who take part and we are delighted that pupils from WHSB achieved 61 Gold Certificates this year. This is a well-deserved increase on last year's results of 35 Gold Certificates.

Congratulations to all those pupils who took part, and good luck to the 34 pupils who are now through to the follow-on stages of the competition, either the Kangaroo or Olympiad rounds. We are grateful to Miss James and her colleagues in the Mathematics Department for preparing and encouraging the pupils with their entries to this challenging competition.