Exciting themed displays in the School Library

This month, the exciting themed displays in the School Library have included the Chinese Lunar New Year, and St Valentine’s Day.
With thanks to Mrs Schofield (Librarian) and Mrs Oats (Assistant Librarian), our Library at WHSB continues to provide a vibrant, communal working space for the entire School to enjoy. A wide selection of resources is stocked for each Year group, with new books regularly ordered. The Library is open from 8.00am until 5.30pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.00am to 4.30pm on Fridays.
Tuesday lunchtimes in the Library are dedicated to clubs run by the Library staff. These clubs offer opportunities for the students learn Japanese, how to crochet, or play boardgames, as well as developing their creative writing skills. There are also exciting opportunities to become involved in reading challenges and, our newest initiative, the Play Reading Society! Younger pupils attending the clubs can also work towards badges in recognition of their achievements.
We look forward to welcoming pupils back to School on Tuesday next week, and encourage all to take every opportunity to make use of our wonderful Library.