School Admission Arrangements 2026/27 – Formal Consultation

Please follow the link below for details of the proposed Admission Arrangements and Criteria which Westcliff High School for Boys and Westcliff High School for Girls will apply to admissions applications for September 2026.
No changes are proposed from the admission arrangements which are currently in place for each school. Legislation requires that every seven years, schools – that have not otherwise, in the meantime, consulted publicly and fully on their admissions arrangements – are obliged to undertake a consultation, even if no changes are being proposed.
Comments are invited in writing on the admission arrangements for each school, during the period Friday 25 October 2024 to 4.00pm on Friday 6 December 2024. These should be sent (subject line: Admissions Consultation 2026) or, Admissions Consultation 2026, c/o Westcliff High School for Boys, Kenilworth Gardens, Westcliff on Sea, Essex, SS0 0BP.
Please see the attachment below for more information or for more information on admissions use the links found here: